You want your information system to be an aid rather than a constraint in the conduct of your business. Do you want to be heard and for the proposed solutions to be pragmatic and effective?
It is always so complicated to have to explain your job to a third party, so that they can then make a value proposition to improve your information system. The G4 consulting integrator provides your project with added value during implementation.
The G4 team is made up of business professionals (CFO, Management Controller, Production Manager, Sales, HR etc.) who know how to translate business needs into IT parameters. Interactions with the trades are simplified and a guarantee of added value, because the confrontation of customer/G4 experiences creates the expected emulation.
In listening to the challenges of digitization and solutions as well as ecosystem and publisher strategies, G4 is constantly looking for solutions for its customers. This means our panel of solutions evolves every year to become the information system referent for its customers.